Your Trusted Radon Specialist

3 Home Detection Methods You Need To Stay Safe

3 Home Detection Methods You Need To Stay Safe

Protecting your home should be one of your top priorities as a homeowner. Even if you take every precaution necessary, however, there are still hazards that can slip through the cracks (literally). If you’re devoted to keeping your home safe from harm, rely on...
3 Dangers Of Crawl Spaces You May Not Have Thought Of

3 Dangers Of Crawl Spaces You May Not Have Thought Of

The crawl space in your home is wonderful for storing old Christmas decorations and your out-of-season clothing. While you don’t spend much time in that tiny hole beneath your floorboards, it might be hiding something more ominous than meets the eye. Here are...
What Causes Radon In My Home?

What Causes Radon In My Home?

While we all know that radon is a potentially poisonous gas no one wants in their home, few people know the direct causes of radon in the first place. If you’re trying to mitigate radon in your home, here are some facts about radon and common sources you should...

How Does Winter Affect Residential Radon Levels?

As winter approaches, it could be more than Jack Frost that’s nipping at your nose. Residential radon levels can increase during the colder months, especially in homes that are located in frigid climates. Families may also be more exposed to radon during the...
Important Radon FAQs You Should Have Answers To

Important Radon FAQs You Should Have Answers To

We exist in the presence of innumerable unseen dangers. As if there weren’t enough visible dangers for us to avoid on a daily basis, we have to defend ourselves against the unseen. Some of these are residents in our own homes, but so many of us remain blissfully...
Common Uses For Radon You Might Not Have Thought Of

Common Uses For Radon You Might Not Have Thought Of

Radon can be a deadly gas in your home or workplace. As such, many buildings are equipped with detectors to measure radon levels along with carbon monoxide and harmful natural gases that could pose a threat to your family. Short-term detectors can measure radon...
Important Facts About Radon You Should Know

Important Facts About Radon You Should Know

Radon is a radioactive gas that you can’t see, smell, or taste. Unfortunately, radon is found in many homes across the United States. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Surgeon General’s Office, an estimated 20,000 lung...
Are There Safe and Acceptable Levels of Radon Gas?

Are There Safe and Acceptable Levels of Radon Gas?

Radon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless radioactive gas that can be dangerous when humans are exposed to it. In fact, the Surgeon General warns that radon is currently the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. That being said, there are actually...