Your Trusted Radon Specialist

Radon occurs naturally when uranium is present in rocks with broken-down soil. It is harmless in small quantities. However, it is a problem in large quantities when it enters a home. The gas finds its way through rocks and soil surrounding our homes as well as through water.

As per ACS (American Cancer Society) research, radon is responsible for approximately 21,000 deaths annually in the US. While smoking causes more lung cancer-related deaths than radon, it is still a cause for concern at home. So, how do you tell whether your home has a radon problem? A good first step is to review the following four signs that your home may have a radon problem.

Lung Cancer Linked to Radon

Since radon is an odorless gas, most people learn of the high levels of the gas in their homes after being diagnosed with lung cancer. A person who gets lung cancer because of radon exposure exhibits certain symptoms, the most notable being hoarseness, persistent coughing, wheezing, chest pain, coughing blood, shortness of breath, frequent pneumonia, bronchitis infections, fatigue, weight loss, and loss of appetite.

Radon Detection Test

As mentioned above, radon is odorless, making it impossible to prove its presence through smell. The best way of proving there are high levels of the gas in your home is through a test. There are long-term and short-term tests that last for days or months. A short-term test lasting two days tests the lower levels of a home, such as the basement. A long-term test focuses on the entire home and may take over three months.

Radon tests are readily available in hardware stores. Alternatively, you can seek professional help. If you reside in Colorado Springs, for instance, you can seek an expert in radon mitigation systems to carry out the radon detection tests for you.

Signs of Radon Poisoning

Generally, radon poisoning won’t display obvious symptoms in the short term. However, you are bound to experience some symptoms after long-term exposure, even if you haven’t gotten a lung cancer diagnosis. Common symptoms include fatigue, persistent coughing that worsens over weeks, recurring chest infections, and pain when breathing or coughing.

Other Lung Diseases

Besides lung cancer, you or your family members may complain about chest tightness, a new and worsening cough, and trouble breathing.

After establishing exposure by checking for the four signs that your home may have a radon problem, the next step should be mitigation. Radon Mitigation Systems will help reduce radon levels in your home. When coupled with treatment, you can eliminate radon exposure problems for good.