Your Trusted Radon Specialist

The process of eliminating radon is fairly simple. Radon mitigation in Denver can be attained through sub-slab depressurization. The sub-slab process is the most effective method for most of the Midwest. However, there are still misconceptions about the mitigation of this radioactive gas.

Myths about the process can put you at risk. Here are some misconceptions about radon mitigation.

Myth: Only Certain Homes are at Risk

Some factors, such as the type of material you use for the building, can accelerate the accumulation of radioactive gas. Radon is found in the ground, where it breaks down from uranium. It can rise through the building from the groundwater.

However, all homes, whether Victorian or modern in style, are at risk. Some construction techniques can help prevent the accumulation of radon in your home. You should never take radon testing for granted on the basis that the type of house you live in is not at risk.

Myth: Homes Near You Can Be Reliable Indicators

It is a common misconception that your neighbor’s radon gas testing is a good indicator of your home’s safety. The myth may compel a homeowner to ignore confirming gas levels because the next house tested safe.

However, many factors contribute to high radon gas levels in your home. You may share soil types with similar composition, but permeability may differ, even among relatively small areas. Also, your home construction may be different or may have developed faults that allow the gas to infiltrate.

Myth: Initial Tests have no Impact

You can conduct short-term initial tests before buying or selling your home. Two initial tests are usually done to determine the probability of contamination. If one or more results show that the radon levels are above 4pCI/L, you should consult your radon mitigation professional.

Some homeowners may take the initial tests for granted. The results can determine your next course of action in Radon mitigation and abatement. If the levels are less than 4pCI/L, the EPA recommends you conduct another test within a year. Immediate action may not be necessary for this instance. But you will still need to confirm the results with successive evaluations.

Radon Testing is Costly and Time-Consuming

The radon testing and mitigation process is not expensive at all. In fact, the initial radon tests are affordable and can help determine the levels of contamination in your home. You can expect the test to take between a couple of days and a week. It is also important to note that there are short-term tests which show radon levels for 2 to 90 days and long-term test which show average concentration for more than 90 days.

Radon mitigation should be conducted by a professional. They can pinpoint specific faults in your home that may be increasing the risk of contamination. They understand the codes for radon mitigation in Colorado. Eliminating the gas can also boost the value of your home. Therefore, the process is worthwhile for your safety and financial well being.

In Conclusion

Radon mitigation is necessary if you are buying or selling a home. It can pose a danger to your family and loved ones if the contamination is above the safety levels. Myths can mislead you and put you at a greater risk. Always consult a professional for the best results.